My project brief is to design and produce my own final outcome based on my analysis and abstraction of my theme contrasts. The theme contrasts considering Body morphing looking at the skin, things on the skin and under the skin and away from the skin. My interpretations of this is:
- Muscles
- Tattoos
- Silohettes
- Tribal skin art
- Body painting
- Positive and Negative
- Ribs and Bones
- Innerwear and outer wear
- Anatomy
When I hear the term Body Morphing shape and structure and anatomy come to my mind. The human body its shape and form, we all come in different shapes and sizes everyone has different body types no ones perfect.
12th 09/2011
First fashion and textiles lesson we began researching Body morphing and began collecting primary research to start us off and get some initial ideas to start designing. We also did a 20 minute challege working in teams to create a garment so thew body's structure and shape so that we all got to know how the body reacts with fabric and differnet materials. In addition, it also helped that in each of the 3 groups there was a fashion student I myself, demii and gina so people had experienced fashion designers to help and know what to do so that kind of helped.
The 20minute challenge helped me understand alot cleare body form, shape and structure. Anatomy plays a huge role in the human body we must understand how the muscles are attached to the skeletal structure and how they work in movement with the frame to understand the form and structure of the body. Once you get how this works you can understand movement and structure with the frame of the body with fabrics and materials.
Body beautiful ....
When I was researching I thought everyones structure is all the same but everyone has different shapes round, tall short etc. All societies and people have their own opinionated ideas of beauty and the perfect body shape. We don't realise how frequently we are comparing each other and ourselves exspecially from a very young age sometimes we don't even realise that we are actually doing it.
one of the main things we are constantly comparing is thiness and muscularity which is seen as indicative of youth, an active life, self- control over the body and sexual ambiguity or freshness are things we all do everyday.
Even designers, fashion stylists and photographers identify models by their ideal body structure. If they dont fit into what the inspire to be the correct body type then they dont get the job. we are always constantly judged by the way we look our body shape and structure.
I am quite fed up how we are consistently judged by other people and so used to seeing the perception of what is the perfect body type that average sized people consider thenselves to be abnormal. which now brings me onto developing my research more indepth. What is abnormality? What is perfection? what is the perfect body shape and what is percieved as perfect?
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