Tuesday, 27 September 2011

CAD Journal ...

13th September 2011 
What have i learned before within CAD?       Photoshop- Magazine cover, Layering, Scanning, manipulating image, Portfolio pages, Design sheets, Photography.

What would I like to learn?
How to use illustrator learn what its for and how to develop work more fluently. In addition I would like to know how to create flats. Mainly in design creating several sheets. 

Started to look at animation luke showed us simplistic film strip and we had a go at drawing our own designs on some film strip then he inserted them into the film projector flicker and it went through our designs / images really quickly and created an animation. 

We then started to look at animated films created by other foundation students and other artists one in particularly that i found interesting was http://vimeo.com/16262803Creep (Radiohead) - Scala & Kolacny Brothers

I found this video when i was researching videos created by other students on vimeo i then typed in animation videos and was particularly interested in this video when i watched it. I like how alex heller has used the most simplistic items as such as barbie dolls. The video is about a lonely doll’s desperate attempt to be accepted. I think this relates to the world today as we are a society judged on appearance and the way in which people try to fit into a certain category to be accepted in a particular group trying to be recognised.
Other animations that particularly interested me aswell as the one above were: Muto- Wall painted animation by BLU, chalk animation, looks like graffiti on wall but the artists has turned that into something funny and characterised the grafiti which I think is really clever.  Furthermore, I also liked Zero by zero very creative .
Another one i found interesting was frame animation by Andy Drawing of a mouse.

http://www.wordpress.com/  Learned how to set up word press found it more complecating than blogspot to be honest but eventually went through the registration to set up my own account which was fairly basic think I made it way more difficult for myself than per usual sometimes I am a doughnut.
Username -- beckycragg18
Password-- haha as if im going to tell the whole world that jokes..

next step I had to master was how to create a new post of an animated video that we found interesting to us individually this is where I found (Creep by radio head) on http://www.vimeo.com/ This was the most difficult as its all new to me and I didnt have a friggin clue :S . I clicked onto Blogs, then foundation computer aided design, edit post, write my tittle and my name so that luke could tell who was posting, then write a paragraph why I chose the video I selected to post . Once I did that I clicked on preview then submit for luke to review my post and make sure it was suitable to be on display of the college wordpress.

Ideas and thoughts for creating my own animation video....

Contrasts? What are contrasts? Mind map of class ideas about concept of contrasts and examples of objects of contrasts e.g light / dark etc. I am quite confused though to how contrasts will be developed into our own animation as mine is Usman sliding down the railings outside college. Need to query this to make sure I am following and doing the right thing within my animation whether I need to include contrasts into my Animation.

Tuesday 11th october 2011...    

Sketchbook almost complete just need to get animation research stuck in animation completed of Usman sliding down the rail assessment next week saved animation finally due to me losing it every time as I have been saving it to the desktop and each week the desktops get wiped away so I keep saving it an it gets wiped away so when I come back the week after I am redoing the same thing over again, images are smaller than my first animation but it still works quite well to be honest you can see clearly how the animation is put together and it looks like Usman is sliding down the rail instead or moving each step like he did when i was taking my Photographs of him.  
Next week is assessment week get assessed on animation and sketchbook so need to make sure it is all complete and save my animation this time to the correct folder instead of the desktop so that it doesn't get wiped away again so that I will be able to show something for next week My animation lool. 

8th  November 2011

New brief digital manipulation, to use   film editing techniques to produce my own film. Researching other artists and and practices to produce a range of my own outcomes. The brief states I can use anything from still pictures, music videos absolutely anything that can be created into my own film. I will use video cameras and still images that I will combine with computer programmes such as adobe premiere and after effects to combine sound and video for display.

Started researching the meaning of film; film can be known as a movie, motion picture or a series of still moving images and it is made by recording photographic images or creating images using animation techniques or visual effects.  We looked at a variety of films in the lesson today and here are a few I found off interest to me 



Twist on everyday zooms in on morning breakfast routine to make it like a horror as dexter is a serial killer. I like this effect as it creates suspense and the splatter of the egg with the knife and cutting himself shaving, quite scary. 

Ideas ......

For my Video I would like to incorporate my Visual communication and my photography in my film. I am looking at the contrast    of unusual circumstances the contrast of young and old what it would be like to be born old and then live until you are young.  I have been looking at the curious case of benjamin button the short caption film by gokugokugoku on www.vimeo.com which I really like it portrays the story in a matter of 1minute and 45 seconds you get a general feel about the story. 
I like the idea of time goes in reverse that aging backwards able to talk but with a different appearance and then as he grows up he turns back into a child with his memory fading not being able to remember anything. Another idea I would like to research is dementia and memory loss as you are young and we have a lack of memory from a young age until we grow a bit older we start to recall and remember things, but then as we get older we start to forget things and this is a case of dementia as people say.  

 What is Dementia and Memory Loss ......

Dementia includes loss of memory caused by diseases in the brain like Alzheimer's etc.
dementia is progressive and symptoms of dementia includes loss of memory short term memory loss forgetting things like what happened earlier in the day, not being able to recall conversations and being repetitive. in addition mood changes people with dementia may be withdrawn scared frightened and angry with what is happening with themselves this is more common with older people than younger. 
I want to understand why we get these illnesses and why is it more common in older than what it is in younger people ? Also why is it that we don't recall the first years of our lives and then at the end of our lives we start to forget the memories we made? 
When I was researching I came across this website about the film "the curious case of Benjamin button" http://www.benjaminbutton.com/  it zoooms in on images taken from the film focusing on benjamin button and as you watch the video the images zoom in towards benjamin and each picture changes as the stages in his life progresses. I really like this and would like to do something in my own film to portray something similar like a timeline the story of Mr benjamin button ageing backwards. Furthermore I would like to use text within my film I came across this quote " time travels, people we meet and places we bump into, the loves and losses we find, the joys of life, sdaness of death and what lasts beyond time" this quote really moved me as my life has not been the best ive been through some tough times lost people along the way and made some mistakes life isnt perfect and didnt come with a manual so use your time wisely and make the most of it because life is too precious to go and waste , you never know excactly how long youve got.

I know I have many ideas and different thoughts I am constantly babbling on about  but I would like to try and combine all of these into my film to portray my feelings and thoughts so that I am clear and know what I want to do. I find it hard sometimes to try to speak and portray what I am actually going on about and it may seem all my ideas are very different e.g dimentia , memory loss, the curious case of benjamin button, time they are all very strong catorgies but I want to combine them all together in one piece to hit the viewer and make them aware life is not for granted grab every chance while you can reach for your stars and dreams and be that person you want to be ! I want my film to hit home as they say make the viewer have their own feelings and emotions not just mine. my film will be very personal to me as I am going to use family photographs but I want to try to portray to the viewer make them undersatnd my message as if they were me in my shoes.

Aim for tuesdays lesson-  gather my images I want to use to start scanning into and editing to begin the process of my film.
As I wanted to go back in time consider old photographs example black and white , sepia etc start putin photographs in a cronological order. Inaddition, get sketchbook up to date with all my research and ideas and stick in photographs and annotate.

(Image from google memory loss)

Dexter: Morning Routine

youtube.com29 Sep 2006 - 2 min - Uploaded by SHOWTIME
Watch new episodes of Dexter every Sunday at 10PM ET/PT, only on Showtime. For more go to www.sho.com/dexter.

Coldplay - The Scientist

youtube.com28 Feb 2009 - 4 min - Uploaded by emimusic
Music video by Coldplay performing The Scientist. (C) 2005 EMI Records Ltd This label copy information is the ...

Family images which I have gathered and am uploading into Priemere Pro editing them with the video effects. I wanted to zoom in and out of them like in the video "The curious case of benjamin button" which has been my main inspiration throughout this project. Interpret
ing my inspiration into my own film "that time goes in reverse" these family photographs are memories from the past my great great grandmother and her childhood memories and they represent those who play a piviotal role within our lives grandparents, parents our children etc.   

My great great grandmother main portrait within the film as she is in most of my images zoom in on her face which brings me to my next idea "Identitiy" 

We are constantly always asked for identification to prove our age within pubs, clubs, substances like alcohol, fireworks, job interviews , college, universities, application forms and many many more. I.d only gives another person proof of who you are but what my idea is we are constantly always asked and how can a piece of card or thin plastic actually prove that it is who you say you are?? 

Which fits into my current idea about dementia and memory loss if they never had an identification how would anyone know who they are? and where they come? from because people with these illnessess can't sometimes recall this information which is sad in a way because their body cannot recall even the earliest memory of something so simple like speech what they did in the morning etc. 

Memories have been influential in this project to me as they are important to us we cant recall early stages of our lives or at the end we start to forget, life flows in a chronological order and my images within my film have flowed in the appropriate order of  my great great grandmother in her teens, then her marriage life as a young mother with children and the end stages and anniversary's we celebrate every year to recall and remember those memories and make new memories. 

Final video - depicts the chronological order that life flows in; I have merged my photographs together and edited and adding my final music that I thought best suited my images.

Living sculptures of pemberly. Music editorial.

17th September 2012

Forgot to write and keep journal up to date woops can make that my late new years resolution to keep well organised with writing my journal and any thoughts and processes keep these recorded either by writing them down or update my blog as often as I could.. .. will that happen I don't know.

Got given the brief project theme last week "manifestos." The project involves us to create my own manifestos and creating my own  artist statement and blog/ website.  

My Manifestos

Discovering talents
Deep thinking
Emphasizes with your audience
Being put in the artist shoes
Documentation of work
Mess that is beautiful
Deeper meaning to the art of the painting/ image etc
Not age restricted

All these words portray what I feel about fine art and what I think fine art is!
However, I could rant on all day and come up with so many different words for the subject but I’m not going to bore you to death with a long list that goes on forever, because I believe fine art is everything and anything a creative mind is an ambitious mind!  Art goes on forever it never fades or ends. From the early stages of our lives we are introduced to colour shapes and number that’s art to me .As you get older you learn the historical side of art and learn of designers and artists who have influenced others work its like a continual; life cycle we learn from one another and are influenced by the work of other people and make up our own designs and sketches. Every thought within our head to me is a creation of art the dreams we have nightmares; every part of our lives is the creation of art. We were created in God’s image and body so in actual fact we are all imaged as perfection and beauty and an act of art.   

Artist research ....

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